Practical Weight Loss Tips for Moms

By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | January 25th, 2016

Many mothers with young children are unable to find time to remain fit or lose weight. It is difficult, but there are some things you can do to remain fit in the little time you save for yourself, in-between caring for your little one. If you are unable to find time don’t worry! There are also several fun tie-ins you can do with your kids that will keep you fit. Here are five tips on how a new mother can lose weight while taking care of the kiddos.

Eat well, know what nutrients you need

Weight loss is as much a matter of proper eating as exercising. If you are still breastfeeding, you are going to need more nutrients than normal because you have to provide for your baby as well as yourself. You will need more calories, calcium, folate, iron, protein, vitamin C, and others. It is a good idea to speak to a dietician after childbirth. Keep a journal for what you eat and at what times.

Have a buddy

A buddy system can help you eat well and proper. A buddy can help you stick with your postpartum meals. Every time you feel like eating something you know is not good for you, text your buddy and they will talk you out of it.

Try dancing

Zumba aerobics is a great way to bust fat. It is also very popular and you will easily find people doing Zumba in your area. If you cannot dance in your house, call in a babysitter and ask her to take over, while you go out for your aerobics routine.

Sign up for ‘mommy and baby’ fitness

Mommy and baby fitness regimes are all the rage nowadays. Here, you involve your baby in your fitness activities. Like this, you won’t feel guilty about leaving the baby behind and the baby does not miss its mother. This includes activities like talking walks with your baby in a stroller. You can also try Pilates and yoga while your baby sits nearby.

Exercise in short intervals

If you can squeeze in two or three, twenty-minute duration exercise during the day, it will do a world of difference to your fitness. You can do this when the baby or child is sleeping. Children sleep a lot more, compared to adults. You can also get up and exercise early in the day, when the child is still sleeping. Eat a banana or two for quick energy and start your exercises. By the time, your child or baby wakes up, you will be done exercising for the day.

Don’t be too hard on yourself

Note that it can take up to a year after your pregnancy, to lose weight. Don’t beat yourself up or force yourself to lose weight faster than it is possible. It won’t be good for you nor your baby.
A good diet and a properly planned fitness regimen can go a long way to help you lose weight. Just make sure, the process is pleasant. Don’t torture yourself to become fit.

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